Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Seeking Student Ambassadors!

Dorsey Wayne would like to announce that we are seeking Student Ambassadors!

As a Student Ambassador you will recieve special recognition, participate in leadership training, and be a positive influence at the campus!

In addition, Student Ambassadors will recieve an additional uniform, speak at Admissions Meet and Greets, and tutor other students!  This is an opportunity to have your voice be heard and help shape Dorsey, as well as add leadership experience to a resume!

In order to be considered for a Student Ambassador position, you must possess the following:
1. Maintain a 3.0 GPA
2. Have an average of 7 hours or less absences per module
3. Have atleast two modules left to serve as Ambassador before externship
4. Financial obligations must be current.
5. Present two (2) recommendations from instructors

Applications can be picked up at the front desk during normal hours.  If there are any questions, please direct them to either Ms. Jones or Katie in Admissions.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Welcome to the Winter B Modular!!

Welcome back to all the current students, and a big welcome to all of our new students!

Below you will find the schedule for this modular:

February 20th, 2012: President's Day and the First Day of the Mod

February 29th, 2012: Leap Day (classes are in session)

Wednesday, March 28th: Final Exams for Evening Students (M,W class)

Thursday, March 29th: Final Exams for Evening Students (T, Th class)

Friday, March 30th: Last Day of the Mod and Final Exams for all Day Classes

And remember, strive for Perfect Attendence and Good Luck this Mod!!!