Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Candy Bar Referral Event at Dorsey Wayne!

Don't miss our Candy Bar Referral Event!  Starting Monday, February 6th and ending Friday, February 10th the Admissions Department will be in the lobby during breaks to collect referrals for candy! 

Just give the name and number of someone you know who could benefit from training from Dorsey Schools, and you will recieve a full size bag of Skittles or a full size Snickers bar after admissions has contacted them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Souper Bowl 2012" at Dorsey!

For the next three FRIDAYS bring in any non-perishable food item to donate and wear your favorite team colors and jeans!

Dates for the Souper Bowl are as follows:
Friday, January 20th
Friday, January 27th
Friday, February 3rd

Show your spirit for a cause! GO TEAM!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome to the Winter A Modular!

Welcome back students! And a big welcome to all of the new faces joining us this mod! Here are the following important dates coming up this modular:

January 9th, 2012     First day of the modular

January 16th, 2012   Martin Luther King, Jr Day, No Classes

January 17th, 2012   Classes Resume

February 15th, 2012  Final Exams for Evening classes

February 16th, 2012  Final Exams for Evening classes

February 17th, 2012  Final Exams for Day classes

Happy New Year!